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Mission trip to Trois-Rivières and Chambly

Leah Legare

In November, a small team was sent out to minister to people who wanted to get baptized. The first night we arrived in Trois-Rivières, we were hosted by a sister who had brought two young people she had been discipling and who were ready to be baptized. After hearing the gospel and talking about repentance in small groups, they were both united with Christ through baptism! Sister Claude spoke in tongues and brother Kevin received deliverance. Afterwards, we took communion together in a beautiful time of fellowship. The next day, we visited some brothers and sisters in the Gospel Bus, a refurbished old schoolbus where people can come in to hear about Christ and have tea and coffee. People were healed and set free from demons, and a man heard the gospel. That night we drove to Chambly where a house fellowship took place with many brothers and sisters including the newborns from the day before. Sister Claude brought her boyfriend Christian, who heard the gospel and decided to turn from African traditionalism and witchcraft to Jesus! He got baptized that same night. It was a sweet time of fellowship among the family of Christ. Thank you Lord!

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