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MISSION OUTAOUAIS exists since 2016 to multiply disciples of Jesus Christ,

churches and leaders until Jesus is known

into all the people of Outaouais, and beyond.


The team is devoted to make disciples who make disciples, and is expressed through a network of "house-churches" with a common vision, mission and ressources. 


Our aim is to form spiritual families of disciples of Jesus, where people are actively involved in each other lives, and to train, equip and send out every partner as representative of Jesus in character, in love, action and power.

We meet in homes and public places on daily / weekly basis.

Our house churches are led by local elders, who are supported by a team who provide pastoral support, training and equipping.


The person of Jesus Christ is central to the work of Mission Outaouais.

Our identity in rooted in some values enabling us to know Him and make Him known.


Our Mission


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They continued daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house. They ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart.

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Acts 2:46

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They devoted themselves to prayer.

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Acts 2:42



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The disciple is not above his master,

but when he gets fully trained,

he will be like his master.

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Luc 6:40

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Give us great boldness in preaching your word.

Stretch out your hands with healing power.

May miracles, signs and wonders be done

in the name of Jesus.

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Acts 4:29

We'd love your support!

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