In early October, the Lord opened a door for us to go minister to the people of the Obedjiwan reserve. We were welcomed by the brothers and sisters there who showed true Christlike hospitality and love by hosting us and sharing everything with us. On our first day there, the men went to different houses to pray for people's needs and share the gospel, while the women went to the mountain to pray. We saw early on the enemy's work in this community, as someone tried to commit suicide right after we met with his mother to share the Good News. We also learned of another woman who had just tried to commit suicide. We came to her house and met with her as her arms were still bloody. We got to pray for her before she was taken to the hospital.
On the first night, we held a meeting at an elderly home. While we were waiting for the guests to arrive, we went upstairs to pray for the elderly people, and God showed up! Some of them got healed, and so we decided to move the meeting upstairs with them. We shared the gospel with them as it was being translated in Atikamek by one of the local believers. Old and young people heard the gospel, afterwards we prayed for more people who got set free from evil spirits.
It also became apparent that many of the believers there were under the oppression of an evil spirit acting like the Holy Spirit and subjecting the believers to intense manifestations such as twitching, barking and convulsions. We learned that some "evangelist" who had come to the community some years ago had imparted this evil spirit on them. As we were simply praying and giving thanks to God for dinner, four people began manifesting because of this spirit, and after over one hour they got set free! On the second night, we held another meeting at the same venue, and addressed this heresy. Some more of the believers renounced this spirit and got set free!
The next day, part of the team left the reserve and the rest stayed... and God showed up once more! People started showing up to the house to get baptized. Seven people repented and got baptized that day! In the evening, the team took a time of teaching to equip the believers to continue running the race and making disciples. The evening turned into a mini-kickstart as the believers learned to heal the sick by praying for one another, renew their mind and do spiritual warfare. Many got healed, and afterwards we took communion together in an intimate and organic way. Reconciliation took place and everyone was edified. Later in the evening two more people showed up and needed to hear the gospel. After hearing it, they both decided to repent and get baptized! We baptized them the next morning, and then left the reserve.
During our time there, we also made three bonfires where the brothers and sisters burned their false Jesus images and CDs from the false evangelist! We also got to pray for the chief of the community.
Through these intense few days, through the sleep deprivation and stretching, God showed us once more that His strength is made perfect in weakness, and He is glorified all the more. Shortly after we left, we heard a report that the believers there shared the gospel and baptized someone on their own! They were already bearing fruit. All glory to God! We hold these brethren dear in our hearts and hope to see them again, Lord willing.