A PTS - Pioneer Training School was held from December 4th to 18th in Mission, British Columbia. Nineteen students attended. People came from as far away as Ontario and Manitoba, Canada as well as Seattle, USA. It was by far the most transformative school ever.
Four students repented and got baptized in water and the Holy Spirit. Four more people were set free, repented and was baptized before and during the Kickstart weekend.
Many of the students were recently born into the Kingdom of God during the past year and struggled with their identity in Christ, were severely spiritually attacked but through teachings and equipping they more than overcame the enemy and his wiles, they thrived!
They were sent out on a Luke 10 trip where every group met persons of peace, saw people were set free and healed. A homeless couple was baptized and a young man who was running away from home, was touched by the love of God when he met a team that spoke to him about the love of the father and he returned to his parents and is considering baptism.
The students returned from their Luke 10 trip filled with newfound faith, confidence and joy overflowing just like the first disciples! Halleluiah!! Praise Jesus!!