An article by Aurélie Sugnaux
Several disciples work in a food bank: “Le Center Espoir de Gatineau” The Lord is at work and uses us to be a beacon in the city... A lighthouse for the lost that leads them to the right path.
Proverbs 14:31 31 To oppress the poor is to insult the one who made him; But to have pity on the needy is to honor them.
We provide food assistance to hundreds of families in need each month. Beyond serving food, we pray for their needs, deliver captives, and announce the good news of the Kingdom!
Isaiah 61:1-3 The spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me, for the LORD hath anointed me to bring good tidings to the afflicted; He sent me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to captives, And deliverance to prisoners; 2 To proclaim a year of favor from the LORD, and a day of vengeance from our God; To console all the afflicted; 3 To grant to the mourners of Zion, To give them a diadem instead of ashes, An oil of joy instead of mourning, A garment of praise instead of a crushed spirit, That they may be called terebinths of the righteousness, a planting of the Lord, to minister to his glory.
Here are some testimonies of what the Lord has done in recent months!
-A woman who comes to the food bank regularly was told that doctors had detected a cancerous lump in her breast. She was tormented by this. A volunteer prayed in faith to cast out this disease in the name of Jesus. We couldn't see the result right away, but after a while she had an appointment with her doctor and to their surprise there was no lump, no trace of cancer. Alleluia! She was in shock. She came back a few weeks later to tell us the news with the proof on paper! It opened a door for us to go further with her. Since then, she has testified to everyone of her healing!
-A lady who came before the holidays had thoughts of death. The night before she had wanted to kill herself but her son had arrived just in time! We had coffee with her and introduced her to the gospel. At that moment her eyes were opened and she understood that God had a better plan for her and that He loved her, she understood that she had to accept Jesus in her life, repent and be baptized !! We will meet her soon to do it! Amen!
-An ex-Muslim woman, a few years ago, had given her life to Jesus and because of that all her family completely denied her, her husband left her and took her son with him! One day she shared with us that she had a great sadness, we then shared the gospel with her and she understood at that moment that she needed to be baptized, to repent and to bury her old life!! A few days later, 2 disciples went to her home, she was baptized and was delivered from evil spirits! Thank you Lord !! Now she works with us as a volunteer and she is a blessing!! She thirsts and hungers for God. She participates in our “Thursday snacks-sharing”. Since September 2022, every Thursday afternoon we have "Discipleship Discovery" groups which are open to all beneficiaries and volunteers who have the desire for more. We share our ups and downs together. We thank the Lord, we pray for each other and we read a passage from the Bible every week and we ask ourselves questions about what the Word shows us in relation to God and in relation to us! Then we ask ourselves how to put the Word into practice and we give ourselves a challenge for the following week in connection with what we have read. We are very blessed with these precious times!
Another volunteer was baptized in December, she decided to repent, forgive and bury her old life in the waters of baptism. Glory to God!!
On December 23rd 2022, we organized a Christmas dinner for people who are alone during the holidays. But due to a storm, few were able to make it. However, the Lord's plans are greater. As we had a lot of food, we decided to go door to door at the motel next to our food bank. It is a place that welcomes the homeless. Two men came and we had a wonderful evening where we ate a delicious meal together. We played games and prayed in small groups for their needs. The two men were touched and want to go further with the Lord! We will meet them again soon. This testimony reminds us of the parable of the wedding feast. (Matthew 22: 1-14)
So, these are only some testimonials among many others! We see the immense love, grace and mercy of our Lord every day. It is glorious and exciting to be able to participate in His work!!!! Thank you Jesus!!!
James 1:27 Pure and spotless religion, before God our Father, is to visit orphans and widows in their afflictions, and to keep oneself undefiled from the world.