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  • Writer's pictureMissionOutaouais

Baptisms broke out at a local food bank through Foundations Disciple Discovery Group

The work of the kingdom is going on at the local food bank in Gatineau. Everyday disciples have been serving the people and preaching the gospel. In October of 2023, they met a person of peace and his fellow friend was baptized within a couple of weeks after hearing the good news! This man told his friends and a new session of Disciple Discovery group began.

Here's how it went..

During the first session people were activated to heal the sick and pray for one another. At a short break, a young brother prayed for a man in the streets near the foodbank. The man he prayed for had stage 4 cancer. After two months the same man came back to testify at the food bank that he was miraculously healed! The man who got healed told his own friends and new people were added on to the group. Soon enough few more people got baptized through Foundations Disciple Discovery Group.

On the day of the baptism..

Two women showed up on the day of the baptism. One of them is a former muslim woman who was healed by Jesus Christ some years ago. She was still confused with islam. She confessed about being in despair. She was prayed for at the food bank. She fell down on the ground and demons came out screaming. She got set free! Everything looked brighter to her the moment she stood up! At this moment, questions were asked to the attendance right after the prayer time and four hands rose up with tears in their eyes. People in the room were moved.

Praise God for the testimony of His Kingdom that is still the same. What a blessing to witness His Holy Spirit moving in the lives of people. Jesus has not changed. All these people were baptized; filled with the Holy Spirit and delivered from demons. They began their journey with Jesus Christ! Hallelujah!!!

But the believers who were scattered preached the Good News about Jesus wherever they went. Philip, for example, went to the city of Samaria and told the people there about the Messiah.  Crowds listened intently to Philip because they were eager to hear his message and see the miraculous signs he did. Many evil[a] spirits were cast out, screaming as they left their victims. And many who had been paralyzed or lame were healed. So there was great joy in that city. ACTS 8:4-8

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