What an amazing weekend we just had in Kamloops, British Columbia! For three days we were hosted in a church to share about the life of a disciple of Jesus. About 40-50 people in total came and learned how to heal the sick, cast out demons, preach the gospel, baptize people and be a good ground according to the parable of the sower (Luke 8). On the second night, a neighbor came with his wife and received prayer for healing. He had had an accident a few days prior where he fell on his back and head and since then had major headache and back pain. When we prayed for him, he felt an incredible heat fall upon him. The pain in his head intensified and then totally disappeared! The pain on his back diminished significantly. He opened his eyes completely amazed and started tearing up! We then preached the gospel to him and his wife. He decided to take more time to count the cost of following Jesus. Another man was met on the streets that day by some of the believers and came to hear the gospel. After some discussions and hesitation, he decided to get baptized, after the meeting was over, around 10:30pm! His whole demeanor changed afterwards. Two other people got baptized this weekend after hearing the gospel preached. Many received healing others spoke in tongues for the first time. God is so good!
Kickstart weekend in Kamloops
Leah Legare