We just held a two-day seminar in Penticton, BC! A family invited our mobile team to live with them for a few days, and we were able to meet for two days in a Japanese restaurant warehouse! On the first day, we shared about the disciple lifestyle, healing the sick and casting out demons. A lady saw her leg grow in a miraculous way and her pain left as a result. A man also spoke in tongues for the first time. The previous night, one of the team members had a dream that a woman was getting baptized. On the second day, we shared about the principles of house fellowships, hearing God's voice, communion, and four people decided to get baptized, including the woman from the dream! God really is opening doors in the most unpredictable places. As things are changing fast in the world, it is time to be flexible and come out of the box. Church is not about a building. The underground church of Iran and China are a great example of this. Maranatha!
Kickstart/In-Up-Out seminar in Penticton, BC
Leah Legare