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Kickstart in Quebec city 2023

December 2023 The network got an invitation to send out a team to a small group of people in Quebec City whom we met earlier in the year. The kickstart was a last minute plan but we saw God providing a venue for free for the whole weekend! New people were invited into the team to start preaching the gospel and equip others at the kickstart weekend. Disciples making disciples.

Last minute attendant was an amazing story of a woman not born again who travelled in Mexico. She met a co worker who was travelling with her the week before. The woman told her co-worker how she was in great pain. This co-worker being a disciple of Jesus, pointed her at the kickstart event. Her co-worker said,

"Why don't you go to the Quebec city kickstart next week, as you told me you are going to this town, they will pray for you, they will tell you about Jesus and you may receive healing."

And so she did go to the kickstart. She was oblivious about Jesus Christ. At the meeting, she heard the gospel and received prayer. She was greatly moved although she did not turn to Christ just yet. It was a powerful seed planted in her heart and so beautiful to see God drawing her to Himself.

People got activated to go out and evangelize in the streets. A young man was baptized gloriously at the end of this kickstart. He grew up in church. He realized he has never been born again. He got water baptized and experienced freedom and deliverance. He said, “I’ve never felt that much alive!”He is now on fire and has been on mission for Jesus ever since.

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