In September, a group of disciples went on a mission trip to Sept-Îles for a few days in a camper van. We visited some brothers and sisters to encourage one another, and God had many surprises in store! We visited a sister in Christ who lived by the sea. Shortly after we arrived, her husband said he wanted to be baptized! So he got baptized in the sea, in his backyard. Another night we held a fellowship at another sister's house. After eating, the men met together to talk about the gospel, and the women sang worship songs and prayed for one another. Some were healed, others delivered, and others really touched! One woman who was there had been born again in 2017 after meeting some disciples in a mall. She had been healed and walked out of her wheelchair. She is still healed to this day! Her husband and son both came to the fellowship, and after hearing the gospel they both decided to get baptized and follow Jesus! Also, the Lord opened a door in a catholic chapel in Laterrière, so we went and preached there on the way back. Halleluyah!
Mission trip to Sept-Îles
Leah Legare