A couple weeks ago, two brothers from our mobile team in British Columbia met a man at Tim Hortons. After discussing with him about Jesus, they gave him a ride, and turns out he was going to the same place as them! They exchanged numbers and time passed. A week later, as one of the brothers was at Tim Hortons with his fiancée, the man of peace just showed up! He sat down with them and they shared the full gospel with him using cards. He considered his condition before God and said he would like to get baptized! The next day, he came to an outdoor church meeting and testified in front of everyone how God had been drawing him through these encounters. He then gave us a lot of Jamaican food for dinner (just like in Luke chapter 10!), and a week later the two brothers met with him again to talk about repentance... and the man got baptized in the hot tub the same night! God is so good!
Man of peace at Tim Hortons gets born again!
Leah Legare